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HomePoliticsExploring the Roots of Pessimism in Sweden: Findings from DN/Ipsos Survey

Exploring the Roots of Pessimism in Sweden: Findings from DN/Ipsos Survey

Exploring the Roots of Pessimism in Sweden: Findings from DN/Ipsos Survey
In a recent survey conducted by DN/Ipsos, a deeper understanding of the prevailing pessimism among Swedes has emerged, shedding light on the factors contributing to this sentiment. The survey reveals that a significant portion of respondents, spanning various voter groups, harbor concerns about Sweden's trajectory, with pessimism consistently hovering around 60 percent for nearly a year.

Key Factors Influencing Pessimism
While the latest DN/Ipsos survey conducted in May offers a glimmer of hope, it underscores the enduring nature of pessimism in Swedish society. The primary driver of this pessimism, as indicated by the survey, is the issue of shootings and gang crime, which continues to be a cause for distress among the population. However, the concerns of voters extend beyond crime and violence. The survey highlights that issues like climate change, environmental challenges, school quality, and education also contribute to the prevailing sense of pessimism. Migration is another factor that weighs on the minds of Swedes, albeit to a lesser extent. Interestingly, although inflation has negatively impacted the economy, resulting in rising food prices and higher mortgage interest rates, it is not among the primary concerns of pessimistic individuals, according to DN/Ipsos' survey.

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Pessimism Across Voter Groups
The sentiment of pessimism permeates all voter groups, although it appears slightly more pronounced among women compared to men and significantly more prevalent among the elderly than the younger population. Strikingly, a majority of pessimistic individuals can be found within various political party voter groups, indicating a widespread disillusionment with the state of affairs. Notably, supporters of the Swedish Democrats (SD) hold a particularly negative view of the country's development compared to voters of other opposition parties, such as Center or Social Democrats, despite having the opportunity to directly influence government policy. On the other hand, the survey reveals that the highest proportion of optimists can be found among those who voted for one of the three government parties: M, KD, or L.

The DN/Ipsos survey provides valuable insights into the factors that underlie pessimism among Swedes. The prevalence of gang violence emerges as a significant cause of concern, contributing to the overall pessimistic outlook. However, it is important to recognize that other critical issues, including climate change, education, and migration, also shape voters' assessments. This pervasive pessimism cuts across various political party voter groups, signaling a collective discontent with the status quo. Notably, supporters of the government parties: M, KD, or L, exhibit a more optimistic outlook. By understanding these underlying factors, policymakers and society as a whole can work towards addressing the concerns of the population and fostering a more positive future for Sweden.

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