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HomePoliticsNo Peace Until Hamas is Defeated: Netanyahu's Controversial Stance on Gaza

No Peace Until Hamas is Defeated: Netanyahu’s Controversial Stance on Gaza

Netanyahu’s Stance on Gaza: No Peace Until Hamas is Destroyed

A Firm No to Ceasefire Without Total Victory

In a striking statement during an interview with Israel’s Channel 14, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu made it clear that Israel will not cease its military actions in Gaza until Hamas is completely defeated. His words have reignited concerns about his true intentions and have drawn sharp criticism, especially from families of hostages held by Hamas.

Netanyahu, speaking on the conservative TV channel often compared to America’s Fox News, expressed readiness for a partial deal aimed at rescuing some hostages, but outright dismissed an end to the war while Hamas remains active. This stance starkly contradicts the terms of a proposed ceasefire agreement discussed at negotiation tables, which suggested a phased approach to peace starting with a temporary ceasefire leading to a permanent cessation of hostilities.

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Mixed Signals Weaken Hope

Israeli media including Haaretz have highlighted how Netanyahu’s comments have potentially sabotaged the ongoing negotiations for peace. Insiders close to the talks have voiced frustration, noting that such statements provide little reason for Hamas leaders like Yahya Sinwar to engage positively with the proposed ceasefire terms.

The emotional toll on families of hostages is profound. Niva Wenkert’s son Omer was abducted during the Nova music festival on October 7 last year. Wenkert expressed her dismay at the fluctuating statements from Netanyahu, which oscillate between promises of impending deals and declarations of continued warfare. “One day there’s an agreement on the table, and the next day, it’s something entirely different. How am I to keep from going mad?” she lamented during an address at Israel’s parliament.

A Nation’s Conflicted Sentiments

The deep dismay voiced by Wenkert underscores a broader national anxiety. Citizens yearn for the safe return of their loved ones while fearing the implications of an unending conflict. Wenkert’s words resonate with a poignant sense of betrayal and despair, encapsulating the sentiment of many Israelis caught in the crossfire of political decisions and militant aggression.

The recent interview marks Netanyahu’s first with a Hebrew-speaking media outlet since the all-out attack by Hamas on October 7, which kick-started the ongoing brutal conflict in Gaza. As Netanyahu steers Israel through these troubled waters, the echoes of his controversial statements continue to stir debates and discussions across the nation, leaving many to ponder the true cost of a war with no clear end.

As Israel navigates this turbulent period, the world watches closely, hoping for steps toward peace but preparing for the potential continuance of conflict. The principle of destroying Hamas contrasts with broader desires for stability and safety, painting a complex picture of war, politics, and human costs.

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