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HomeLifestyleFashion Inclusivity vs. Exclusivity: A Recent Trend in the Fashion World

Fashion Inclusivity vs. Exclusivity: A Recent Trend in the Fashion World

Fashion Inclusivity or Exclusivity?

In the ever-changing world of fashion, there lurks an alarming recent trend. The tide is seemingly turning back, rejecting the forward strides of body inclusivity that we’ve been seeing and indeed celebrating in recent times.

What’s Happening?

Famous fashion brands are seemingly ditching their larger clothing sizes. There are fewer plus-size models strutting the catwheels and appearing in advertising campaigns. This shift indicates a troubling departure from the inclusive fashion trend. One of such brands on the hot seat now is the Swedish clothing brand, Monki.

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Monki’s former fashion profile, which once championed body inclusiveness by featuring people of larger bodies in their advertisements and larger-sized clothes in their product range, is now significantly toned down. This change towards featuring skinny models and limited clothing sizes in their stores has sparked widespread criticism. However, fashion experts like Emily Dahl, 37, argue that this backlash signals a more significant trend that extends beyond Monki. It’s a sign of the times.

“People are tired of the politically correct and the fashion world is tired of having to take everything into account all the time,” says Dahl.

A Long-Term Battle

Despite these steps backward, Dahl argues that the progress made isn’t entirely wasted. The picture, as she puts it, is quite different from what it was 15 years ago. Her master’s research on fashion imagery in magazines has given her a unique perspective. Back then, media publications were rampant with unhealthy dieting tips. Although these setbacks are disheartening, Dahl maintains that every significant breakthrough has a long-term effect despite the occasional backlash.

Impact on Younger Generation

Young girls aged 13 to 15 years old, even with exposure to inclusive fashion, still show tendencies towards slimness. According to Dahl’s observations, they may acknowledge and accept non-ideal body representations in others but are considerably less tolerant towards themselves.

“It’s tough to be young and identify as a woman today,” Dahl admits, expressing the difficulty in shielding young people from these trends.

She further highlighted the risk of harmful materials promoting eating disorders circulating on platforms like TikTok. Despite these challenges, Dahl advises that parents should emphasize values and self-love in their conversations at home. Making an case for worthiness without luxury, she mentions, ” We talk about ‘indulging’ ourselves, but that also makes indulgence a luxury we are otherwise unworthy of. I believe we should underline the fact we all deserve well-being.”

The Takeaway

In conclusion, while steps seem to be taken backwards in the fight for fashion inclusivity, it’s crucial to remember how far we’ve come. The shift towards exclusivity is troubling, but there’s hope if we continue spreading positivity and self-love. In Dahl’s words:

“I believe the values have fundamentally changed. Nevertheless, fluctuations will occur according to the global situation and world economy.”

Let’s hope fashion brands rethink their strategies to foster more inclusivity. After all, every body is a good body, and the fashion world should reflect that!

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