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HomeInformationDeciphering Xi's Vision: A Glimpse into the Recent People's Congress in China

Deciphering Xi’s Vision: A Glimpse into the Recent People’s Congress in China

Xi’s Vision: A Recap of China’s People’s Congress

Hey folks! Just caught up with the news rolling out of Sweden about the happenings at China’s “Folkkongressen” or better known to us as “People’s Congress”. Let’s get into it and break down what this means for our expat community in Sweden.

The Core of It All: Xi’s Vision

Every year, delegates from all corners of China gather for a well-choreographed event to pledge their unanimous support to the vision of their leader, Xi Jinping. This year was no different – roughly 3,000 delegates showed their support to the man leading the country’s vision. It seems the man has got quite the charm eh? Or maybe not all that glitters is gold?

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Tackling China’s Economic Issues

Xi’s vision mainly centers on reviving China’s economy that has been hit hard by complex housing markets, low domestic demand, and soaring youth unemployment rates.

“Arbetare står inför vissa utmaningar och problem i anställningen, och mer ansträngningar måste göras för att stabilisera sysselsättningen”, says Wang Xiaoping, the Minister for Human Resources and Social Security. Translation- Workers are facing some challenges and issues in employment, and more efforts must be made to stabilize employment.

Hard facts to swallow and a long road ahead indeed!

A United Stand or Forced Compliance?

This year’s congress saw the delegates approving a revised law steering China’s leadership to conform to Xi’s vision, with a vote of 2,883 to eight, and nine abstentions. Do keep in mind though, these kind of meetings are carefully designed with no room for surprises. So make what you will of the ‘almost’ unanimous vote results.

Increased Authorities and Secrecy

Over the past week, measures to strengthen secrecy around decision-making, and strengthen means to address threats to the state’s rule have been taken. Even the annual traditional press conference was scrapped this time around. Interesting how they’re playing their cards, isn’t it?

Conclusion: Whither Democracy?

The Chairman of the National People’s Congress Standing Committee, Zhao Leji, ended the meeting with a call for people to unite closer under the leadership of the Communist Party “with comrade Xi Jinping at its core”.

So, while we sit comfortably here in Sweden reading about this, it’s important to remember the human struggle and politics that different nations across the globe are involved in. It’s food for thought for us as expats – is the unanimity true consensus or merely the absence of dissent? Let’s ponder over a cup of strong Swedish coffee, shall we?

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