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HomeInformationSweden's Highest Wind Turbine Planned Outside Smögen

Sweden’s Highest Wind Turbine Planned Outside Smögen

Sweden’s Highest Wind Turbine: Plans for a Record-Breaking Installation Outside Smögen

Local Opposition to the Plan

The Moderates in Uddevalla have taken a firm stance against the plans for a record-breaking wind turbine outside of Smögen. Henrik Sundström, a municipal councilor for the Moderates in Uddevalla municipality, says: “NO to large-scale offshore wind power along the entire Bohu coast!” To influence national policy, Uddevalla has made a decision to try to “save Bohuslän” from offshore wind power. Sundström believes that the main reason for opposition is the impact on fishing and landscape attractiveness.

The Social Democrats and other parties in favor of wind power do not have a majority in Sotenäs municipal board. Therese Mancini (S) is chairman of the board, but despite being generally positive about offshore wind power, she states that they must consider any potential problems with this particular location.

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Njordr’s Response

Njordr believes that this is an appropriate location for the sake of fishing since fishing is not allowed there anyway. They also state that the closest spin would end up 46 kilometers out from Smögen, barely distinguishable from land. The company’s photomontages show what this might look like from shore with a 300 millimeter telephoto lens or an equivalent 48 millimeter focal length, the eye’s normal.

However, those who say no point out that the nighttime lighting required to warn aircraft would not go unnoticed by the coast. The local fishermen are collecting signatures in opposition to the plan. In June this year, about twenty fishing boats participated in a protest action against offshore wind turbines that they believe threaten their livelihoods.

Uddevalla Calls for New Nuclear Power

Uddevalla has missed out on around 1,500 new jobs in recent years because industries could not get binding agreements on electricity allocation. Henrik Sundström believes that offshore wind power is not the solution and calls for new nuclear power instead. He said: “We want new nuclear power in Uddevalla and with the right political will it should happen by 2032.” This position goes against Ulf Kristersson’s (Moderates leader) comment that “local environmental considerations may sometimes have to take a back seat”


The debate is ongoing around whether or not Sweden should build its highest wind turbine yet outside of Smögen. While some welcome its potential to generate electricity for two million villas, others are concerned about its environmental impact and disruption to livelihoods and views. The Moderates in Uddevalla are firmly against it and plan to lobby national policy to save Bohuslän from offshore wind power instead pushing for new nuclear power solutions by 2032. The Social Democrats appear open to considering any potential problems with this particular location before making a final decision on the matter at their members’ meeting after the summer.

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