Thursday, July 4, 2024
HomeHealthOutbreak of Winter Vomiting Sickness at Kebnekaise Mountain Station, Sweden

Outbreak of Winter Vomiting Sickness at Kebnekaise Mountain Station, Sweden

Winter Vomiting Sickness Outbreak in Kebnekaise

Living in Sweden, expats may be familiar with its beautiful mountain ranges, including Kebnekaise. Unfortunately, an outbreak of winter vomiting sickness has been reported in the area. Smittskydd Norrbotten (the Norrbotten Infectious Disease Control) announced the outbreak and the region is taking precautionary measures to control it.

How to Prevent Winter Vomiting Sickness

The virus, known as calicivirus, has affected a large number of people along the Kungsleden in Kirunafjällen, and the worst-hit area seems to have been the Kebnekaise mountain station. The station has been evacuated and sanitized in response. According to Jonas Hansson, assistant infectious disease doctor at Smittskydd Norrbotten, “We now find in samples from people infected with norovirus, also called calicivirus, a virus that causes what is colloquially known as winter vomiting sickness.” It is believed that the spread of infection occurred indirectly between people in makeshift toilets. There is also a chance that someone may have contracted the virus after drinking from streams or lakes in the area.

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In order to prevent further spread of the virus, Smittskydd Norrbotten recommends:

  • Boiling water taken from nearby areas
  • Taking water from isolated areas upstream
  • Practicing good hand hygiene
What to Do If You Think You Have Winter Vomiting Sickness

Winter vomiting sickness can be a serious condition if not treated properly. Expats living in Sweden should take steps to protect themselves by following the prevention tips above. If anyone suspects they may have contracted winter vomiting sickness, they should contact their doctor right away to get checked out and begin treatment if necessary.

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