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HomeInformationThe Grim Reality of House Demolition in East Jerusalem

The Grim Reality of House Demolition in East Jerusalem

A Heavyhearted Tale of Home Demolition

Oh! It’s a shocking, moving story from East Jerusalem, where Israel has demolished more Palestinian homes. Fakhri Abu Diab, a Palestinian activist, described his house’s destruction by Israeli bulldozers as a “pitch-dark day”.

Living in the Shadows of Bulldozers

Diab’s once cheerful abode has been reduced to a heap of crushed bricks, with a dust cloud encapsulating the area like a mournful shroud. Having seen his home come under the bulldozer’s brute, Diab has lost faith in a Palestinian state with East Jerusalem as its capital. His hope of a light at the end of a dark tunnel is being overshadowed by the looming specter of Israeli bulldozers.

“Before, I saw a light at the end of a dark tunnel. Now when I try to find that light, I see only an Israeli bulldozer getting closer and closer”.

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Struggles for House Permits Post-1967

Since Israel’s occupation of the West Bank in 1967, Palestinians must obtain a building permit for houses on land they already own. However, these permits are very sparse on the ground, leading many Palestinians to build without Israeli approval.

This predicament, as reported by the Israeli newspaper Haaretz, has intensified the demolition of Palestinian houses in East Jerusalem since the escalation of the Israel-Hamas conflict last October.

The Rising Tension

Despite the continuous home demolitions, Israel plans on constructing new Jewish settlements on the West Bank, including in East Jerusalem. This strategic move breeds insecurity among Palestinians, and the fear of being next in line for home demolition is palpable. For some, like Israeli settler Tatiana, the new settlements offer solace.

“The more settlements are built, the safer I will feel.”

Grimmer Statistics and Global Outcry

In response to a terror attack in East Jerusalem on February 22nd, Israel retaliated by announcing plans to build 3,000 new houses in West Bank settlements. The UN has stated such settlements are illegal and an obstacle to a two-state solution between Israel and Palestine. The number of Palestinian houses demolished in East Jerusalem last year increased by 60% compared to 2022, totaling 140, according to Haaretz.

Various human rights organizations insist that Palestinians are coerced into building houses without Israeli approval due to the difficulty in obtaining permits.

In a poignant revelation, Haaretz reports that a Palestinian is eight times more likely to receive a demolition order than a Jewish settler. Regardless of this claim, the Jerusalem municipality vehemently denies it, asserting that demolition orders are issued citywide.


The danger of living under threat of demolition has further shaken the expat community in Sweden, especially those from the Palestinian Diaspora. This shocking narrative serves as a stark reminder of the importance of ceaseless advocacy for global peace and harmony. Withstanding these tragical occurrences, the spirit of human resilience is undying. As discussions continue, the hope for a plausible resolution remains alive.

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