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HomeHealthAutumn Viruses in Sweden: An Impending Challenge

Autumn Viruses in Sweden: An Impending Challenge

Brace Yourself, Autumn Viruses Are Back

As autumn draws near, Swedes are steeling themselves for a possible increase in seasonal illnesses. Despite a strengthened immunity system, the country may be moving towards a challenging season of viral diseases, says the Public Health Agency (PHA).

Moving Towards an Ill Season

As colder weather sets in, people are spending more time indoors. This change in behaviour typically ushers in a season marked by an increase in circulating viruses. According to PHA’s state epidemiologist, Anders Lindblom, society’s immunity should be higher this year compared to the previous one due to two seasons with more infections. However, other factors might influence the severity and frequency of upcoming illnesses.

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With the resurgence of schools, work, and activities post-summer, the possibility of a spike in infectious diseases is looming. Last winter bore witness to record high numbers of Swedish parents staying home to care for sick children. This was due to an unexpected surge of viruses in circulation, a consequence of social adjustments in the pandemic. The higher number of illnesses led to an increase in severe cases, especially among children.

Lessons from the Past Seasons

Oddly, a common assumption that last year’s flu season was more aggressive has been ruled out by the PHA. Instead, it was theorized that the pandemic years made society less resilient, particularly affecting children who hadn’t had a chance to build up their immunity. Once life started returning to normal, infections soared, leading to increased rates of diseases such as swine pox, strep throat, and scarlet fever.

In recent years, rare cases of infections due to Group A streptococci have led to serious illnesses and even deaths among children, adults, and especially the elderly. The dangerous aspect is when the bacteria spread into the bloodstream, causing sepsis, which can shut down the body’s organs.

Preparing for What’s Ahead

A crucial question to ponder over is whether children and adults have better immune systems heading into this flu season. Lindblom emphasizes that almost everyone in Sweden has had COVID-19 and vaccination coverage is satisfactory, which has significantly strengthened immunity. However, the nature of the viruses that will circulate this fall is still unknown. Consequently, a forecast for a milder virus season remains elusive.

Given last winter’s virus record as a fallout of the pandemic year’s social distancing measures, public health anticipates continued high levels of VAB, or days taken off work to care for sick children. Efforts are ongoing to understand how the most common variants of viruses will impact the upcoming season and what precautions should be taken.

Protecting Vulnerable Groups

Irrespective of the unknown, Lindblom urges the community to continue protecting vulnerable groups, just as we did during the pandemic. He stressed the importance of COVID-19 vaccinations, particularly for people at high risk of severe illness. An updated vaccine is currently underway with plans to start administering it by November, well ahead of an anticipated flu peak.

Preserving Pandemic Habits

Some habits picked up during the pandemic might be worth preserving for the long haul. These include staying home when you’re sick to avoid infecting others, maintaining a safe distance from those who are unwell, and regularly washing your hands. Adhering to such practices can help reduce the spread of infections and create a healthier environment for all to thrive in.


In a nutshell, Swedes are bracing themselves for a tough virus season despite a typically strengthened immunity system. A crucial concern raised by the Public Health Agency is protecting the vulnerable groups. The best defense against a worsening outbreak is to encourage everyone capable of receiving the COVID-19 vaccine to get vaccinated and to continue practising good hygiene both inside the home and in public places.

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