Sunday, July 7, 2024
HomeHealthPublic Outcry Over EU’s Proposed Shared Patient Data Initiative

Public Outcry Over EU’s Proposed Shared Patient Data Initiative

EU Plan to Create Internal Market for Patient Data Sparks Outcry

Last week, a sea of humanity voiced their concern over the protection of patients’ privacy in Brussels. The proposal at the heart of this furore is the EU’s plan to create an internal market for patient data. Five civil rights organizations handed over a staggering 100,000 signatures directly to EU parliamentarians in protest of the seemingly beneficial initiative.

Privacy Concerns Mount Over Proposed Shared Patient Data

The European Union proposed to share health data across member states by creating a centralized platform. People have raised privacy concerns. Critics argue that the platform is vulnerable to cyberattacks. Critics argue that the platform could give governments and businesses too much access to personal health data. Supporters of the proposal say that the platform could improve healthcare access and research.

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Civil Rights Groups Submit 100,000 Signatures Against EU Data Sharing Plan

In response to these concerns, five civil rights organizations submitted a petition with 100,000 signatures to the EU Parliament, calling for the plan to be scrapped. The petition argued that the plan would “create a goldmine for data harvesters” and “put patients’ privacy at risk.”

Swedish Government Supports EU Data Sharing Plan, But With Reservations

The Swedish government has taken a more nuanced stance on the issue. While it supports the plan in principle, it has expressed reservations about the lack of safeguards to protect patient privacy. The government has also said that it will not approve the plan unless it is amended to give patients more control over their data.

Future of Healthcare Data Management in the Balance

The coming months promise to be a critical time for the future of healthcare data management in the EU. The EU Parliament is expected to vote on the plan in the next few months, and the outcome of the vote could have a significant impact on the way patient data is handled in the EU.

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