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HomeInformationSweden's Position in Global Corruption Rankings Declines

Sweden’s Position in Global Corruption Rankings Declines

A Slip in the Slippery Slope of Corruption

Hey there, got some interesting news to share that’s hot off the press in Sweden. According to a recent study by Transparency International, Sweden has slid a wee bit down in the international corruption rankings. But you’ll be relieved to know we’re still one of the least corrupt countries globally! Yes, you guessed it right, the least corrupt title goes to our friendly neighbour.

The Raw Numbers

So, here’s the lowdown. Transparency international, the well-respected global organisation, does an annual ranking of world countries based on the perceived levels of corruption. This year, Sweden has dropped to the 6th place out of a whopping 180 countries, scoring 82 out of a possible 100 points. Now, this might be a smidge lower than last year, and it’s our worst performance since the initiation of these surveys.

This perception is based on the opinions of experts and business folks regarding corruption within the country’s public sector.

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Glancing at the Top and Bottom

Alright, let’s see who’s at the top and bottom of the list. Claiming the highest honour for the 6th consecutive year is Denmark, followed by Finland, New Zealand, and Norway. On the flip, the list’s tail-end comprises non-democratic nations like Somalia, Syria, South Sudan, North Korea, and Venezuela. The crucial fact is that no country scored a perfect 100. The global average rests at 43.

Now, here’s something to chew on: more than half the world’s nations scored below average – a matter of serious concern according to Transparency International.

A Worrying European Trend

Interestingly, the report also hints that on average, EU countries have been losing points over recent years.

Simultaneously, efforts to curb corruption appear to have stalled in many Western European nations.

Looking at the top 14 nations, Denmark leads with 90 points, followed by Finland (87), New Zealand (85), Norway (84), and Singapore (83). Ninety-eight places down the bottom of the list, we, see Myanmar, Sudan, Tajikistan all at 20 points, Libya, Turkmenistan at 18, and Somalia with the lowest score of 11.

Wrapping it up!

In conclusion, while Sweden might have slipped slightly in its stand against corruption, we’re still a beacon of transparency compared to many other nations. However, our slight downtrend, along our neighbouring EU partners, gives us something to think about moving forward. Let’s hope we can bring our ‘A’ game in the fight against corruption next year!

Stay tuned for more local news tailored for our close-knit expat community in Sweden!

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