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HomeInformationPotential Impact of Trump's Return on Sweden's NATO Standing

Potential Impact of Trump’s Return on Sweden’s NATO Standing

Trump’s Potential NATO Demands on Sweden

Did you know that Trump could change the way Sweden stands in NATO? It’s been on the Swedish news, and it’s all centered on the U.S Presidential elections. That’s right, Trump’s return to Presidential power could shake things up for NATO’s member states, including Sweden. This dynamically could shift European-wide security situations that have been in place since World War II.

The What’s and Why’s of it all

During Trump’s presidency, there were tensions within NATO and the EU. Our old friend, Trump, was critical of NATO and even threatened to leave it. It stirred uncertainty, and his return to power could bring back those uncertainties.

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In early 2020, Trump allegedly told Ursula von der Leyen, the President of the European Commission, that if Europe was attacked, he would not help. He even mentioned that “NATO was dead.” This anecdote came with a significant warning from the EU’s Thierry Breton that Trump could potentially be back, and NATO members are understandably worried.

“Donald Trump said to Ursula, ‘You must understand that if Europe is attacked, we will never help and support you, and by the way, NATO is dead, and we will leave NATO,” Breton shared in the EU Parliament.

What it means for Sweden?

Europe and NATO are anxious about the developments in the American election campaign. If Trump were elected and implemented what he previously said, it would affect all NATO member states, and Sweden would not be spared.

As an expat in Sweden, this news might be quite engaging, given Sweden’s recent considerations to join NATO. Trump, known for his iron-cutting negotiations, could potentially lay out heavy demands on Sweden’s NATO entry.

“Trump always wants to negotiate, and who knows what he would ask for in exchange?”, stated Majda Ruge, ECFR.

Some Trivial Facts

NATO includes 31 member countries, with the USA and Canada being the non-European members. Despite this, the USA still represents a significant part of NATO’s defense force. They have about 100,000 soldiers stationed in Europe—the numbers were highest in the 1950s with a whopping 450,000 U.S soldiers present in Europe.

A Neutral Perspective

While it’s unclear what Trump’s potential presidency could mean for NATO and Sweden, it’s crucial to stay informed. Remember, these reports are speculations based on past events, and the future is unknown. Regardless, the likelihood of a return should push EU countries to increase their defense efforts to at least 2% of GDP.

The Media’s Take

“The US can do much more to undermine its role in NATO without officially leaving. One could remove its conventional military forces from Europe and let Europeans appoint Saceur (Nato Commander in Europe) and take care of the leadership,” says Ruge.

This perspective should push Sweden and other European countries to think about what NATO will look like under Trump’s potential presidency. After all, being prepared is half the battle, right?

In conclusion, Trump’s potential return to the presidency certainly shakes things up for Sweden and other NATO member states. But in the meanwhile, let’s keep our fingers crossed and stay informed.

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