Tuesday, July 2, 2024
HomePoliticsHundreds Gather Outside Swedish Embassy in Baghdad

Hundreds Gather Outside Swedish Embassy in Baghdad

Sweden’s Embassy in Baghdad Protested

Hundreds of people have gathered outside Sweden's embassy in Baghdad in the wake of a Quran burning earlier this week. The demonstration is in protest of the incident, which occurred on Wednesday when a man was given permission from the police to burn a copy of the Quran outside of a mosque in Stockholm. Despite the large crowd, the protests have remained peaceful and no injuries have been reported.

The demonstration began on Thursday afternoon, when hundreds of people stormed the embassy to make their voices heard. At that time, no embassy employees were injured. On Friday, hundreds more flocked to the site, continuing to express their outrage at the burning. By 4:30 p.m., the protest had remained peaceful and without incident.

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The reaction to this incident has been strong and clear across the world. People are outraged by the desecration of a holy book and are demanding respect for their beliefs. The Swedish embassy in Baghdad has been at the forefront of this movement, with protesters gathering there to make their voices heard. So far, these protests have been peaceful and organized, with no injuries reported thus far.

As the protests continue, it is important that people remain respectful and non-violent. Burning a holy book is an insult to many and it is understandable that people would be upset by it. However, violence or destruction of property is not an appropriate response and can only lead to further unrest.

In conclusion, hundreds of people have gathered outside Sweden's embassy in Baghdad in reaction to a Quran burning earlier this week. The protests have remained peaceful and thus far no injuries have been reported. It is important that these protests remain nonviolent as violence or destruction only serves to further upset an already tense situation.

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