Sunday, July 7, 2024
HomeUncategorizedHeavily increased electricity grid fee in parts of Sweden

Heavily increased electricity grid fee in parts of Sweden

The electricity grid fee in certain municipalities in Sweden has seen a notable increase of 20 to 30 percent within a year, according to a report by the Tenants’ Association, Riksbyggen, HSB, Sweden’s Allmännytta, and the organization Bostadsrätterna, as reported by Sveriges Radio. The electricity charge represents the fee Swedes pay for the transportation of electricity through the grid. The most substantial increases have been observed in smaller municipalities in southern Sweden, on the west coast, and several larger municipalities in Stockholm County.

Despite electricity grid companies experiencing a surge in revenues, the countrywide average increase stands at almost ten percent. One of the companies significantly raising the fee is Eon, which implemented a roughly 20 percent hike. Gustav Wengen, the head of department at Eon, explained that the rise was necessitated by higher costs incurred from purchasing electricity lost in the grids, commonly referred to as grid losses.

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Wengen further clarified that the increase was prompted by the rising price of electricity, which subsequently raised their costs. It is important to note that in addition to stock exchange prices for electricity, the final cost to consumers also includes the electricity company’s mark-up, electricity tax, VAT, and the network fee.

While this summary provides a condensed version of the original article, it highlights the main points. The article draws attention to the significant increase in the electricity grid fee in certain Swedish municipalities and offers an explanation from Eon regarding the factors contributing to the price hike.

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