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HomeInformationDiscussions in the Street Will Map How Stockholmers Park

Discussions in the Street Will Map How Stockholmers Park


The city of Stockholm is using sensors to map street parking in the city. These sensors are part of a pilot project aiming to reduce search time for street parking.

What are the sensors?

The sensors are round, black discs made of polycarbonate. They are attached to the ground with glue and are not affected by snow removal or sand sweeping.

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Why is the city of Stockholm using sensors?

The city of Stockholm is using sensors to map street parking in order to better understand how the city’s parking spaces are used. This information will be used to reduce search time for street parking and to make better decisions about traffic regulation.

How do the sensors work?

The sensors use a combination of radio waves and ultrasonic waves to detect when a vehicle is parked in a space. The sensors then send this information to a central database, where it can be analyzed.

Where are the sensors being placed?

The sensors are being placed in two areas of Stockholm: eastern Kungsholmen and Tegnérlunden. In eastern Kungsholmen, 750 sensors have been placed along Pipersgatan, Scheelegatan, Bergsgatan, Hantverkargatan, and Garvargatan. In Tegnérlunden, up to 2,000 sensors will be placed.

What data do the sensors collect?

The sensors collect data on when and how the city’s parking spaces are used. This data includes the time of day, the duration of the parking session, and the type of vehicle.

What is the long-term goal of the project?

The long-term goal of the project is to reduce search time for street parking in Stockholm. The data collected by the sensors will be used to identify areas where parking is scarce and to develop strategies to improve parking availability.


The use of sensors to map street parking is a new and innovative approach to reducing search time for street parking. The project is still in its early stages, but it has the potential to make a significant impact on the way people park in Stockholm.

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